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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fail Mom

When I saw this news article, I raged. Dont feel like copy and pasting it so I will just do a little OC blurb, link and video....

This is a picture of 21 year old Jessica Gamble. She is currently facing charges for what happens in this video.

Yes, that is right.
You just watched a cell phone video of a 2 year old smoking marijuana. Now, personally I do not have a problem with people smoking weed, what you do is your own business and ultimately I am for the legalization of it BUT when it comes to the welfare of a child, I am outraged. Knowing the effects of marijuana on a person (not physically but mentally, ie getting high) I have to say I cant even understand why someone would teach their child how to smoke marijuana, I dont even know, I think this article may have me madder than the 2 year old baby who chain smoked
Seriously though, I can not stand people who wont be parents, a parent would never let their child smoke anything at all, ever, and this is a prime example of someone who should have chose adoption over keeping their child. Not mature enough to handle parenting then GTFO.
What do you guys think....



  1. ROFL she's crying.
    Sucks for the chids though.

  2. great blog check out mine share the love

  3. haha, fail, supportin u

  4. :O thats pretty messed up!! Glad the "friend" told the cops!

  5. While I can't say I'm against marijuana use (though I don't use it myself and am generally against drugs), giving it to a little kid would be very bad... obviously.

    Hopefully that bitch gets what she deserves. I myself get fairly enraged over bad parenting like this. We ought to have a license to have children.

  6. omg her daughter was just 2

  7. wow..she doesn't deserve her kid

  8. I wouldn't say it's any worse than the chain smoking kid but it is still fucking terrible.

  9. Fucking hoodrats raising their kids to be shit just like them. Thats what I think.

  10. man that is just messed up

  11. looks like jessica gamble *puts on sunglasses* gambled for the last time..


    but on a serious note thats really fucked up...

  12. Retarded parents. Really such people shouldn't have children.

  13. Thanks for sharing this story, first I heard of this.

    I'd probably be one tiny iota more sympathetic if it was something like the baby found her stash accidentally and started mimicking her; that could be used as a wake-up call. But TEACHING the child to smoke it... just... what a stupid bitch!
